12 Moons of Christmas: Lander Lanterns with Woodstock on Wheels

We had our newest Moon Vehicle Experts—John and Carly of Woodstock on Wheels—review our fourth featured product:
The Lander Cairn Lantern + Charging Port
Read their full review now!
Click HERE to buy the Cairn and two more great Lander products at a special 20% discount!
Hurry, this'll only last til November 22nd at midnight!
So, not only are John + Carly MVE's, but they've also been known to moonlight as elves. In fact, they made an incredible holiday song/video for us, that features the Lander Cairn lantern, IN ACTION. Watch it below, and then read their review.
Oh how far we’ve come. Remember the oh-so-near past when we’d swap AA batteries, or even *cringe* D batteries into bulky flashlights far too frequently while pitching a tent at a new campsite, digging through the garage, changing a tire, you name it. The flashlights that a full-grown adult couldn’t wrap their hand all the way around because they were as thick as a summer sausage? They’ve been in the past for a while now, but since getting my hands on the Cairn XL I’ve been thinking more and more about just how clunky and impractical portable light was when I was young.
The lanterns Lander brings to the world feel, truly, like humankind has learned from their mistakes. Maybe a grand statement in a review for a light, but when you get your hands on one it’s hard to not feel like they should have been like this all along. Rechargeable, portable, ultra bright while being well diffused to light a whole area instead of a point. You can look right at it and not feel like you’re staring at the sun, and it comfortably illuminates all of your surroundings.

The night we unboxed the Cairn XL I was in the middle of a very long build, adding almost 3000W of solar panels to our bus. I had been pushing through this project for about a week because, spoilers, 3000W takes up more space than the roof of a bus…I was getting very creative. I was tired, but motivated. Carly, my partner, got so excited about the Cairn XL when she took it out of the box that she came up to the roof to show it off to me. At the time I was sliding around under the solar array, like a mechanic under a car, on my last, dying headlamp with the others on the charger. The Cairn XL showed up out of the darkness like a beacon of hope. I was able to hang it anywhere I needed to and it kept my work area well illuminated for the entire remainder of the project. We kept it on almost all night, enjoying that ‘new toy’ feel.