Preorder FAQ

What do you mean ‘preorder?’

Great question!

Like many other companies right now, we have experienced constant delays with manufacturing, shipping and receiving products this year due to Covid-19 bottlenecks.

Consequently, though we are back in stock with MoonShades, we are out of stock of magnet anchors. We are actively working to receive our next shipment to our warehouse.

If you purchase a magnet anchor today, you are pre-ordering and we will send the order as soon as the next shipment arrives.

Pre-Order Schedule*

Date Order Placed In Stock Date (Fulfillment begins)**
7/8 – 8/9 9/29 est. in stock date
8/10 – 9/3 10/11 est. in stock date
9/4 – Now 10/18 est. in stock date
Magnet Anchors
5/20 – 7/13 10/11 est. in stock date
7/14 – Now 11/30 est. in stock date
Basecamp Rail Anchors
8/5 – Now 10/11 est. in stock date

*Please note these are approximate dates as we have little control over many factors in the global supply chain that affect our in-stock dates.

**”In Stock Date” is an estimated date for when inventory will be available and beginning to ship out of our warehouse. Orders assigned an estimated In Stock Date may take up to one week from this date to be fulfilled. If your order is not fulfilled within this timeframe, rest assured we have more shipments on the way. We will continue to update this table and send you emails as we know more. Thank you for sticking with us through these unpredictable times.

Why are things so delayed?

You may have heard “the global supply chain” is incredibly backed up right now. For us that has looked like shipments routinely being delayed by weeks (and sometimes months) from when they’ve been scheduled to leave port overseas.

There are a variety of reasons for these delays, for instance there have not been enough physical shipping containers to put product in because no one is returning them as scheduled.

We have been able to find a new freight provider who has been incredibly proactive at helping us get our Shades and anchors to our warehouse in Austin. We feel much more confident in shipping on time this fall. The challenge that remains is uncertainty around what used to be standard times – how long it takes boats to get overseas, how long they have to wait in ports, how long things will take to go through customs, and how long it takes to truck our products to our warehouse once they get through customs.

What does “In stock” date mean?

In stock date is our estimated date to have the shades and anchors checked into our Austin warehouse.

Our current preorder “in stock” date is a reflection of the dates we’ve been given by our freight provider, plus a buffer based on past delays. We feel as confident as we can given limited information that we will have your Shade and/or anchors at our warehouse ready to be packed and shipped by that date. We will be proactively sharing updates with our pre order customers to make sure you know what’s going on as soon as we do.

When will my order arrive at my house?

In stock date is our estimated date to have the shades and anchors checked into our Austin warehouse. From there, there may be a few days as items are inspected, picked, packed and labels printed. Then we ship them and then they are on your way to you!

Because of this, allow for 5-7 days after our listed in stock date for your items to be processed. If you still have not received your shipping confirmation after this window, please do not hesitate to email our support team at and we’ll get to the bottom of it!