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Make Space: Echoes of the Moon Kickstarter in Brio’s Journey

Make Space: Echoes of the Moon Kickstarter in Brio’s Journey

Five years ago, almost to the day, we launched Moon with a Kickstarter that set everything in motion. Sitting down with Evan and Loui from Brio, I felt a familiar energy—the kind of excitement that comes from building something from the ground up. Their project reminded me of Moon in its early days: a personal vision turned into a tangible product, grounded in passion for the outdoors.

Brio started with my dad trying to simplify our family camping trips. He built his own setup to make outdoor cooking easier. That mindset is what we’re bringing to Brio—making outdoor experiences more accessible. It’s not just about convenience; it’s about the freedom to enjoy the outdoors without overcomplicating things.

Brio modular kitchen being carried by a man

We didn’t want to take on investors. We’ve seen startup culture up close and personal, and we wanted Brio to stay true to us. It’s not about scaling fast, but about solving real problems. Like you did with Moon, we’re focused on staying true to ourselves and creating something that’s practical and authentic.

As they spoke, I couldn’t help but reflect on those early Moon days—the uncertainty, the DIY spirit, the relentless refining of ideas. Evan and Loui’s process felt so familiar. Like us, they were obsessed with the details, testing prototypes on camping trips, getting feedback, and tweaking every aspect.

Our first real test with Brio was a camping trip with family and friends. We packed the prototype, set it up, and started cooking. It worked—but it also showed us everything we needed to improve. That's when we knew we had something worth building on.

Friends sitting around Brio Outdoor Modular Kitchen and camp fire 

It’s been an iterative process. Just like your MoonShade, we wanted Brio to evolve based on how people use it in the real world. We’re designing for flexibility—so no matter where you go or what you’re cooking, Brio can adapt to your needs.

Brio isn’t just about the product—it’s about launching a lifestyle. Our Kickstarter is the first step, the same way Moon’s was. We’re building a community of people who want to live simply and enjoy the outdoors, and Brio is just the start.

That’s exactly what we felt with Moon. Our Kickstarter wasn’t just about the money—it was about getting people excited about the idea and creating something they could connect with. Watching Brio take shape, I see the same passion. It’s not just a product; it’s an extension of the way you guys all live your lives. 

Talking to Evan and Loui brought back memories of Moon’s first steps into the world. Like us, they’re taking a leap of faith with Brio, trusting that their passion will resonate with the community they’re building. What struck me the most is that they’re not rushing—they’re taking the time to get it right, to make something that isn’t just functional, but meaningful.

As they prepare to launch, I have no doubt that Brio will find its place in the outdoor community. The same elements that made Moon special—authenticity, care, and a true love for the outdoors—are all there.

Brio Modular Outdoor Cooking System with EquipmentProduct Details:

Brio is a modular outdoor cooking system designed to simplify and elevate the outdoor experience. Combining precision-built materials like aluminum and powder-coated steel, the system is versatile and adaptable for different cooking setups, from tailgating to backcountry adventures. The Kickstarter launches soon, offering early supporters an exclusive opportunity to be part of the Brio journey.

Go support the Brio Kickstarter!

By: Henry Proegler (Co-Founder)